Sunday Service

Our Sunday morning service comprises mainly of three parts - Worship Service, Family Service, and Sunday School.

Sunday Service Schedule

Worship Service

Each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m., we take time to remember and worship Christ during the Lord's Supper service (also referred to as the "Breaking of Bread"), which involves joyfully singing praises to the Lord.
This is an ordinance for Believers. Visitors who have received Christ Jesus as Lord and Saviour, are welcome to take of the Bread and Wine, others are advised to pass the emblems on to the next person.

We commence Worship every Sunday as an act of:

  • Obedience to our Lord's Command
  • Thanksgiving for our Salvation
  • Remembrance of our Lord's Crucifiction
  • Communion with fellow believers
  • Proclamatoin of our Lord's Death and Resurrection
  • Expectation of our Lord's second coming
  • Self Examination
(1 Cor 10:16; 1 Cor 11:25,28)

Family Service

The family service is devoted to the careful teaching of the Word of God as we believe that consistent exposure to accurate and practical Bible teaching is critical to spiritual growth. We deeply desire that the God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit be central and the Scriptures be the only authority in all that we preach and practice at Terry Street.

Sunday School

God commended Abraham for teaching his children to "keep the way of the LORD" (Gen 18:19). God commanded the children of Israel to "diligently teach" their children His words (Deut 6:7-9).
Children are able to trust in the Lord when they are young (Psa 71:5) and can be mightily used by God (Psa 8:2). Therefore, God expects us to prepare our children to know their Creator when they are young (Ecc 12:1).
The Bible repeatedly reveals the importance of teaching the word of God to our children.

Wednesday Bible Study

Daily Bible study leads to occupation with the Lord Jesus Christ, a daily walk with the Saviour.
Heb. 12:2,3 "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest you be wearied and faint in your minds."
The Bible study entails a group of believers from Terry St Bible Chapel meet at the chapel building regularly to actively engage in study of the Bible and examination of the text of Scripture. We believe that Bible doctrine, learned under the faith principle of applied teaching, produces confidence during the believer's lifetime.
Please find the session details at Events.

Homegroup Bible Study

Homegroup is a subset of the church, and is a basic Christian community of 8-20 people from the local church, friends and families, primarily meet in homes, of about 8-10 people.
We meet regularly for fellowship, focused time of hearing from God in His Word, encouragement, grace-based accountability, and prayer.
Please find the session details at Events.